Anne Muvdi – Nature Preschool Director and Eco-Camp Director
Anne joined the Berks Nature staff in September of 2017 as Nature Preschool and Summer Eco-Camp Director. Previously, she taught both kindergarten and first grade in the William Penn School District outside of Philadelphia PA. Anne earned a BS in Early Childhood N-3, a Master of Education in Reading, and completed 24 credit hours towards her Principal/Administrative certification.
Anne’s love of children has carried throughout her adult life and influences every professional decision she makes. Her understanding and passion for exposing young children to nature are what brought her to Berks Nature. After joining the Berks Nature team, Anne earned a professional development Nature-Based Teacher Certification. This workshop highlighted the positive impacts daily contact with nature has on children’s social, psychological, academic, and physical health. Whether running, hiking, or biking. Anne expresses her own love of the outdoors by utilizing the parks and trails in and around Berks County.