For more information, contact our Director of Eco-Camp, Anne Muvdi.
610-372-4992 x115
Berks Nature Eco-Camp is held at The Nature Place, located at 575 St. Bernardine Street, Reading, PA 19607 – in beautiful Angelica Creek Park.
Preschoolers: Children ages 4 to entering Kindergarten
1st – 5th Grade Campers: Children entering 1st Grade through entering 5th Grade
Teens: Entering 6th Grade and above
*Potty-trained children aged 3 are invited to register for Eco-Camp Weeks 8 and 9 only.
Campers should bring their own lunch. Some snacks are provided.
Monday through Friday Full-day Eco-Camp begins at 9:00 am and runs until 4:00 pm.
Don’t want to send your child for a full day of camp? We offer half-day, morning Eco-Camp experiences as well! Our half-day Eco-Camp runs Monday through Friday and begins at 9:00 am and runs to 12:00 pm (noon).
Before and After Care options are both available at this Eco-Camp location!
Full-Day Camp Rates
Preschool campers: $290/camper
Kindergarten-5th grade campers: $275/camper
Teen Edition campers: $275/camper
Half-Day Camp Rates
Preschool campers: $190/camper
Before and After Care options are available for $40/per camper.
Prices are listed per camper, per week, and reflect extension activities planned.
For more information, contact our Director of Eco-Camp, Anne Muvdi.
610-372-4992 x115
$290/camper (Preschool)
$275/camper (K-5th)
Preschoolers: This week campers will explore nature by creating various forms of art. They will participate in activities involving music, movement, performance and sensory art. This week’s activities might include creating musical instruments, painting/paper Mache’, songs/dances, creating natural paint, and an interactive performance from a special guest.
Kindergarten-5th grade: Campers will look to nature for artistic inspiration exploring natural dance, music making, and art creation. They will immerse themselves in nature to find inspiration for painting, writing poetry, journaling, and creating music. This week’s activities might include painting, dancing, an interactive performance from a special guest and exploring other ways to express their relationships with nature.
$290/camper (Preschool)
$275/camper (K-5th)
Preschoolers: We will use our five senses to discover the wonders of the outdoors. As a nature detective campers will learn how to solve nature mysteries through observation, investigation, exploration, communication, and cooperation.
Kindergarten-5th grade: We will use our five senses to discover the wonders of the outdoors. As a nature detective campers will learn how to solve nature mysteries through observation, investigation, exploration, communication, and cooperation.
$290/camper (Preschool)
Preschool: Eco-Camp’s annual bike week returns! This week campers will participate in rides of varying distance along with our ever-popular bike rodeo at The Nature Place. Guest speakers from BAMBA (Berks Area Mountain Biking Association) will teach campers about bike safety and bike maintenance. They will also make custom license plates and create a car wash to ride their bikes through!
$275/camper (K-5th)
Kindergarten-5th grade: Eco-Camp’s annual bike week returns! This week campers will participate in rides of varying distance in and around Angelica Creek Park. Guest speakers from will teach campers about safety and maintenance of their bikes. At the end of the week, campers will ride the trail to Gibraltar and stop at Scoop DeVille for a cool treat before returning to The Nature Place.
NOTE: Bike rides and activities will be based on ability rather than age. Training wheels are not permitted for the Friday bike ride to Scoop DeVille.
This week campers in middle school and beyond will spend the week participating in long bike rides. On two days (Tuesday and Thursday) parents will drop off and pick up the campers from two remote locations: Blue Marsh Lake and Grings Mill (more details to come). Campers will need a backpack to carry their snacks, lunches, and water, as we will spend as much time as possible on the trails. On Friday the campers will be “helpers” as they ride with the younger campers to Scoupe Deville.
$290/camper (Preschool)
Preschoolers: Eco-Camp’s annual bike week returns! This week campers will participate in rides of varying distance along with our ever-popular bike rodeo at The Nature Place. Guest speakers will teach campers about bike safety and bike maintenance. They will also make custom license plates and create a car wash to ride their bikes through!
$275/camper (K-5th)
Kindergarten-5th grade: Campers will survive in the wilderness using the bare essentials in a backpack. They will learn about the principles of ‘Leave No Trace,” situations that could occur when going for a short or long hike in the woods, and strategies to track animals. A portion of the week will be dedicated to learning how to properly shoot a bow and arrow (with a qualified instructor) and learning how to safely cast a fishing rod.
$290/camper (Preschool)
$275/camper (K-5th)
Preschoolers: This week preschoolers explore animal tracks in the wetlands, woods, and trails throughout Angelica Creek Park. They will learn how different animals live and what they use to make their homes. This week’s activities might include making animal fossils, animal track matching games, identifying tracks while hiking, and designing/creating a specific animal’s home. Campers will experience LIVE birds, animals and reptiles with special guests.
Kindergarten-5th grade: This week campers will learn all about reptiles, amphibians and birds local to Pennsylvania. They will have opportunities to understand these unique animals’ adaptations and experience LIVE animals with our special guests. This week’s activities might include identifying animal tracks, interactive games, and learning about the birds, animals and reptiles that visit our local area.
$290/camper (Preschool)
$275/camper (K-5th)
Preschoolers: This week preschoolers will participate in all things water! They will experiment with the changing shape of water, learn how plants use water, and make art using different forms of water. Some of our time will be spent in water! This week’s activities might include a recycled boat race, water games, water experiments, and lots of time getting wet!
Kindergarten-5th grade: This week campers will explore all things water! They will learn about water conservation and the water cycle by participating in experiments and hands on activities. They will also spend time in the creek and play water games. Expect to get wet every day!
$290/camper (Preschool)
$275/camper (K-5th)
Preschoolers: This week campers will explore nature through organic farming, farm-to-table cooking, and crafting using items found on a farm or in a garden. They will sample delicious recipes using the bounty found in the teaching garden. Campers will not only taste, they will also plant, cultivate and harvest the vast array of fruits, vegetables and plants. Quiver Farms, our special guest, will bring different kinds of animals on their traveling farm to teach the campers about the food and drink they provide for us.
Kindergarten-5th grade: This week campers will explore nature through organic farming and farm-to-table cooking. They will sample delicious recipes using the bounty found in the teaching garden as well as local businesses. This week might also include activities on native plants, seed spreading/pollination, and botany. Quiver Farms, our special guest, will bring different kinds of animals on their traveling farm to teach the campers about the food and drink they provide for us.
$290/camper (Preschool)
$275/camper (K-5th)
Preschool: This week preschoolers will practice the 3 Rs – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Campers will conduct experiments, make art and create a sensory bin using only recycled materials. By week’s end, campers will have a better understanding about how waste affects our planet. This week’s activities might include making recycled bird feeders.
Kindergarten-5th grade: This week campers will practice the 3 Rs – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. They will create masterpieces out of recyclable materials ‘aka’ junk art. Campers will participate in our famous boat race and egg drop extravaganza by creating their own boats and vessels for the event. By week’s end, campers will have a better understanding of how waste affects our planet. All material used will be recycled.
During this special week, middle school and teen campers will test their survival skills and learn about Leave No Trace principles – we’ll even taste some MRE snacks – self-contained meals used by the U.S. Armed Forces! In addition, campers will explore fun experiments and real-world citizen science data collection that will be uploaded to NASA’s Global learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) program. Our campers will also experience one of our newest programs, creek snorkeling!
$290/camper (Preschool)
This week we will travel back millions of years. Our journey will take us to explore the prehistoric world of dinosaurs and volcanoes. This theme brings the excitement of the prehistoric world to life! Campers will learn about dinosaurs, explore how volcanoes work, create fossils, and participate in dinosaur activities and games.
*Preschool Campers only this week*
Berks Nature Eco-Camp is run by Berks Nature Education Programs, LLC.